Walking by Faith, Not by Sight

Walking by Faith, Not by Sight We walk by faith , not by sight . . . while we do not look at the things which are seen , but at the things which are not seen . (2 Corinthians 5:7; 4:18 ) The Christian life is a walk. It is comprised of day by day steps from where we are to where the Lord wants us to go (both spiritually and geographically). This walk is undertaken by faith , not by sight . " We walk by faith , not by sight ." Walking by sight is the natural manner by which human beings walk. This is true both for literal walking, as well as for taking the proverbial journey through life. When engaged in physical walking, people rely upon visual data (along with input from other human senses: like sound, smell, and touch). Likewise, as the unredeemed are engaged in their trek through life, they set their course and proceed by that which their natural abilities provide. We who know the Lord Jesus Christ cannot walk in this manner in His kingdom. We must ...