Getting started with a Vlog as a teacher

Just when we are getting used to blogs and how they can support our online teaching efforts, now there is vlogging to learn about! A video blog, or vlog , is a collection of videos – your own or your favorites – posted on a web site. It's easy to create a free video blog, and it's a great way to reach out to audiences and show off your work. Vlog posts are created by creating a video of yourself or an event, uploading it to the Internet and publishing it within a post on your blog. A Vlog creates “ A Brand Called You” How can you use video blogs in your classroom? • It is a creative way to share information and create a community in your classroom and school. • You can engage your learners in a class project (almost like a class newspaper). You don’t need to be technically savvy—a basic video recording device and a computer with free editing software and an internet connection are all you need. • Delegate recording and editing duties to students, that way they wil...