Getting started with a Vlog as a teacher


Just when we are getting used to blogs and how they can support our online teaching efforts, now there is vlogging to learn about! 

A video blog, or vlog , is a collection of videos – your own or your favorites – posted on a web site. It's easy to create a free video blog, and it's a great way to reach out to audiences and show off your work.

Vlog posts are created by creating a video of yourself or an event, uploading it to the Internet and publishing it within a post on your blog.

A Vlog creates “ A Brand Called You”

How can you use video blogs in your classroom? • It is a creative way to share information and create a community in your classroom and school. • You can engage your learners in a class project (almost like a class newspaper). You don’t need to be technically savvy—a basic video recording device and a computer with free editing software and an internet connection are all you need. • Delegate recording and editing duties to students, that way they will learn new skills. 

What are some video ideas? • School events: Assemblies, guest speakers, school plays and sports, etc. • Student projects: Let students create videos as special projects or to demonstrate their mastery of a concept, then post the videos on the vlog to show off the learning that’s going on in your classroom. • Important lessons: If you’re teaching a key concept that students may not grasp immediately, consider recording the lesson and posting it on the vlog. This way, students can go back and re-watch it later on to clarify anything they missed. 

More ideas… • Teaching videos: There are many educational videos available online, which can be used to supplement lesson plans. Add the videos to the vlog so students can easily find them and watch them. • Interviews: Have learners interview different people in your school. The interview could be about being an adult learner, about being a parent or about something they have accomplished lately. Post it on your Vlog. 

Where can I host the Vlog? • There are many free web services that will host your video blog and simplify the vlogging process. You can set up a channel on YouTube if you just want to share video. If you want to have a true blog and include video, pictures and text, you can use Blogger or Wordpress. 

How do I keep my Vlog interesting? • You’ll probably be able to generate a lot of interest from your audience at first, but if you don’t add new content regularly people will lose interest and stop checking in. So, before you go live with your video blog, make sure you have enough content to keep it going for a little while. •  Post something at least every two days. It doesn’t have to be a video, it could be photos, or information.


Prepare environment • Prepare your video recording area. Make adjustments on lighting and the background. Some people use no background for their vlogs, while others put up a solid colored sheet to keep attention on themselves. • Dress for your audience. Most people don't want to see you in your holey sweats and sweaty t-shirt. What impression you want to leave? 

Step 1. Get a microphone. • To record a video, you need to have a microphone that is compatible with your computer. 

Step 2. Get a webcam. • Once you have a microphone, you need to get a webcam that allows you to record video and save it on your computer's hard drive. 

Step 3. Prepare your vlog content. • Take some time to think about what you're going to say or do during your vlog. 

Step 4. Record your vlog. • Turn on your microphone, start your webcam and begin recording. Save the file when you're done. You may need a screen recorder and a video editing software.

Step 5. Upload your vlog file to YouTube or Google Video. • Upload your vlog file to a site like YouTube or Google Video where you can store it online. • Note: See the Tips below to learn an alternate method to insert your video into a blog post. 

 Step 6. Get the embedding code of your uploaded vlog file. • Once you upload your vlog file to YouTube or Google Video, copy the embedding code and keep it handy. 

Step 7. Create a new blog post. • Open your blogging application and create a new blog post. Give it a title and add any text you'd like to introduce your vlog. 

Step 8. Paste the embedding code for your vlog file into your new blog post. • Using the embedding code you copied earlier for your uploaded vlog file, paste that information into the code of your new blog post. 

Step 9. Publish your new blog post. • Select the publish button in your blogging application to send your new blog post with your vlog in it live online. 

Step 10. Test your vlog. • Open your new live blog post and view your vlog entry to ensure it's working correctly.

Examples of Teacher VLOGS:


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